It's taken me some time but I think that I've just about settled into my adorable Bostonian apartment. Despite the fact that I'm smack dab in the middle of rush hour street traffic, I can't help but smile a little more each day as I stroll back and forth to work. Yes, my commute is by foot and I couldn't be happier or feel more appreciative. T signs don't send chills down my back anymore and the 57 bus and I only meet when I'm passing by the Kenmore stop while I'm on my way out to Comm Ave. I've ended my awful relationship with the MBTA work commute for the time being and there isn't an ounce of remorse left in my body.
Since I walk to work one would think that I would actually be prone to arriving on time. One would think if you didn't know me. I'm one of those girls that's going to be late for my own wedding. Or, a co-worker of mine said about herself: "I'm going to be late for my own funeral", a statement that I just found to be creepy. Anyway, I'm working out the timing of my walk.
To me, comfort is sacred. That's what this move was all about. Comfort is a precious commodity that can be tampered with by a number of different people and forces. A home is special and can be challenging to create, especially for me. I've gone through apartments I never want to see again as well as landlords and roommates that I don't care to speak to for the rest of my life. I feel so passionate about that because it's the roof over my head that we're talking about. It's the place you're supposed to want to escape to at the end of a tiring work day. No one wants to go from a crummy office job to an even crappier living situation where you are left wondering which location you dread the most. It makes you feel like you don't belong anywhere and no one wants or deserves to feel that way.
My two disaster apartments led me to this beautiful brownstone. Sure, the monthly rent isn't even covered in my first pay period check but I'm willing to make it work. A home is sacred and if you recognize a good thing in front of you, you better believe you will make the sacrifice necessary to keep that precious feeling alive. We all know where we have come from and why we've left so why give up on something because of the money? The comfort of a home is priceless.